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doing things
within 100 days.

I'm doing thing within 💯 days.

After moving to Washington, D.C. in 2018 and almost one decade in the Strategy Consulting and Executive world I've decided to challenge myself with some projects I've had in mind. To create an efficient ideation and execution process i've developed my own approach: Doing things every single day for a limited period of time. The idea about was born. Within the first two years I've challenged myself in some ventures, founded my first business and embraced others to do the same. Many challenges later I've created a detailed entrepreneurial approach around how to ideate and execute the first 100 days of any project that comes up to your mind. No matter which level of expertise you have, no matter how passion or business driven you project idea is, the 100 days approach helps you to figure out, if your project is worth a shot in the long run. If you want to learn more about the 100 days approach just write me. I can't wait to learn more about your project/idea!

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